Papers by Mikkelsen, P.M.

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Reed, J.K. and Mikkelsen, P.M. . 1987. The molluscan community associated with the scleractinian coral Oculina varicosa.. Bulletin of Marine Science 40(1): 99-131.
The molluscan community associated with the scleractinian coral Oculina varicosa is compared among 4 Florida reef sites: inner shelf (6 m), midshelf (27 m), outer shelf (42 m), and shelf edge (80 m). 41 Coral samples yielded 5,132 individuals and 230 species, including 155 gastropods, 68 bivalves, 1 scaphopod, 5 polyplacophorans, and 1 cephalopod. similar to 47% were free living (motile), 32% symbiotic (parasitic or commensal), 18% epilithic (fouling), and 3% endolithic (boring). The species assemblage at the 80-m reef was distinct from that at 6 m: similar to 75% of the individuals collected at 6 m were herbivores or detritivores. Possibly due to higher light levels and sedimentation from wave surge. Carnivores dominated at the 80-m station but were uncommon at 6 m.
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