Papers by Milton, J.

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Milton, J. . 1958. The Distribution of Recent Foraminifera South of St. George Island, Florida..
Thirty-eight equal-volume samples of Recent sediments from the shallow water of the Gulf of Mexico south of St. George Island, Florida, yielded 62 species of Foraminifera. Open-gulf forms are typical of the area. The data are evaluated statistically. There is no evident correlation between Foraminiferal number and calcium carbonate percentage or median grain size. A significant difference is found between the present area and an area 15 miles to the northeast by the distribution of certain individual species which are Disoorbis concinnus, Elphidium gunteri, Quinqueloculina lmarkiana, and Streblus beocarii. Elphidium gunteri and Quinquelooulina lamarkiana are most common in the St. George Island area, the others in the Dog Island area.
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