Papers by Lidz, B.H.

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Lidz, B.H. and Shinn, E.A. . 1991. Paleoshorelines, reefs, and a rising sea: South Florida.. South Florida, U.S.A. Journal of Coastal Research 7(1): 203-229.
The porous limestone bedrock, thin sediment cover, and tectonic stability of the Florida Platform during the past 15 ka BP provide an exceptionally suitable setting for reconstruction of paleoshorelines and onshore projection of future shorelines in a rising-sea scenario. Paleoshorelines for 8, 6, 4 and 2 ka BP show that (1) a series of limestone islands formed, then drowned, along the outer platform; (2) a distinct trough, called Hawk Channel, separated the outer islands from shore; (3) the lower Keys flooded earlier and more rapidly than the rest of the Keys; and (4) Florida Bay and tidal passes through the middle Keys into the bay developed within the past 4 ka BP. During the Quaternary, topographic highs were preferential sites for coral growth. Bathed by clear oceanic waters, reefs near the platform flourished. As sea level rose, reefs developed on the platform margin and were gradually displaced to more shoreward bedrock highs. Upon platform flooding, water quality deteriorated and reef luxuriance diminished.
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